A Woman at a million march

Yesterday I went to the 20th anniversary of the Million Man March. It was an interesting experience. Some of the speakers and messages were so truthful and exhilirating that they fired up my passion and hope. But you could see the rhetoric, the politics, the agendas at play, pulsating just below the spoken messages—or, with some of the Nation of Islam speakers, clearly articulated. Everyone wants to sell their package for saving the world.

I had a lot of thoughts about the march. Not sure if any or many of them are really worth spelling out here. Maybe we all think that our own thoughts and our own opinions are a little bit more important than they really are. We all think something, we all have thoughts on something, we all want to give our opinion. Few want to more silently and resolutely to make the changes that we desperately need.

I know all about opinion giving. I do it often and freely. Maybe I need to shutthe hell up and listen and think and study and move in silence and act and help a little bit more. In that vein, I thinkI will finish baking and reading and leave the writing of my thoughts for another day.



