Yesterday, I was lost in thought and not in a particularly friendly mood. I was caressing, turning over, and examining from top to bottom my relationship with a man in my life, wondering if he appreciated me and when he would start to show it. Wishing that I had someone in my life who would actually make me feel the way that I want a man to make me feel.

Then there was a tap on my shoulder. I turned around, with a slightly hostile stance. Who was touching me? I hated to come in physical contact with anyone against my will. Why would this man, this slightly disheveled man, touch me?

He began to communicate in sign language, and I realized he was deaf. I relaxed, and paid more attention to his movements, as if I could possibly decipher what he wanted to say or ask.

Turns out I could. He pointed to me, signed that he was talking about my face, and told me, through his movements, that he thought I was beautiful. Then he smiled a gaped smile and walked on.

It was the best thing that happened to me yesterday.


Letter to Chimamanda


Hello world